Action photography is my speciality, considering my sports photography background, and the honest expressions of children are the most fun to see during an outdoor shoot at the park and/or private yard. Their personalities really shine through and is why today’s post is all about capturing those moments and providing you with a little inspiration. Here are some tips to think about when you are trying to capture movement.
First: Get Low!
When you are eye level with your subject the image will instantly improve. You will noticed in all the images below, I am at least eye level, or below, with all the children.
Second: If they are having fun, it shows!
When children are naturally running, going down a slide, digging in a sandbox, their personalities comes out.
Natural light will help in “stopping the action” in a image, but having gear that can handle fast shutter speeds helps tremendously. These images were taken with Canon 5D Mark III and shutter speeds are over 1000.