Discover 3 New Ways To Inspire Your Junior Photographer

Children are curious and love to be creative. Photography is just that, a creative outlet and a chance for them to capture memories of a vacation, local trip to a farm and/or family visiting them at home. They are in control for the most part of taking photos of their surrounding and anything goes. It could be a pile of dirt or the clouds in the sky. It’s their story. My child loves to recap all the fun he had by looking back at the photos (thank god for digital) and discussing fine details that we didn’t cover while we where at a particular place. Providing some focus can also yield some fun and creative photography from your child. Here are three fun photography assignments for kids at any level of experience can try.

Day In The Life – My child and I are often on a local adventure at least once per week. Below you will find some Day In The Life pumpkin patch and local farm images he captured. The only guidance I might suggest is taking an overall image of the environment they are in as well as some detail images.

3 Fun Photo Assignments for Kids
3 Fun Photo Assignments for Kids

Collage – When my child first starting capturing images with his camera he ran around the house and was taking images of some of his favorite toys, rooms, closets, bedrooms, and random objects. (As seen below)  You can further focus your junior photographer by assigning them to only capture objects that are a certain color, meal they ate at dinner, or art they made at school. Essentially, any items that you can group together and tell a story.

3 fun photo assignments for kids

Family Tree – Maybe you have some relatives who live nearby that you often visit or with the holiday’s approaching you plan to travel to see family. This assignment has your photographer capturing a portrait of your family members and creating a family tree. You can go further and have them capturing portraits of their friends and create a friend tree as well. I’m sure they will be able to capture some great expressions with these portraits. I’m working with my junior photographer on this assignment now, but wanted to show the first portrait in this series which is me taking a picture of course.

3 fun photo assignment for kids

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