Welcome to the second installment of NBP Photography Workshop! If this is your first time reading a “Workshop” post, here is a little background. I am often asked about photography techniques as well as gear and many questions come from parents trying to capture a great shot of their little one. To address this need, the NBP Photography Workshop was created and topics will be basic concepts and ideas to enhance your photography. All of the images in this post were taken with professional gear, but the topic discussed today can be utilized with any level of gear and/or cell phone cameras.
Today’s topic is Color! I love to incorporate color into my photographs. The below images are examples of when I have used color and you can see that color can be found in various places; a painted wall, a colorful blanket, the playground or even the outfit worn by the child. The color can be bold or subtle, textured or not, solid or print. The goal is to add some interest and have fun adding color to your next images.
If you follow my Instagram feed this recent image will look familiar. I love this Land of Nod kids tent and it provided such great color to the image. The two little cars give the image some dimension too.