If you were like many others this year, you finally hired a professional photographer to capture high quality images of your business. Now that you have a pile of images capturing who you are, your team, products and action shots of doing what you do, now what? How do you even use these images to encourage engagement with your community, have a consistent look and grow your brand? What are some actual ways to start utilizing them today, tomorrow and for the next month? I have scoured Instagram to find real world examples of how brands, big and small, are utilizing their branding images. I always find it best to see examples of how others are tackling their branding and marketing to provide inspiration for my own personal brand images. In compiling these examples I also considered different industries. Just because you might be a real estate agent or a chef doesn’t mean you can’t learn a few tips from a jean manufacturer or coffee house.
These 7 tactics fall into two larger categories. Who and What. Who is behind the brand and What your brand is all about. The Who touches on the people that make the brand successful. The business owner can be the face of the brand and featuring the team and how the brand operates is equally important. The What highlights the actual products and services you provide. This is where a brand can show why they are unique to the marketplace. How a product is made differently or service provides more than their competitors.
So let’s dive in. Below you will find 7 tactical ways to use your brand images. It’s not only about the image, which is helpful for upcoming branding sessions, but how they are wording their captions.
Quick Tip:
While reviewing this content you should also take note of areas or stories you would like to capture images or even video during your future brand sessions. Brainstorm with your team and identify what makes your brand unique so those images can be captured by your professional photographer.
Who is behind the brand
In today’s marketplace your consumers want to know more about who they are buying from, which is why behind the scenes, introductions and team feature posts are important posts to add bi-quarterly or quarterly based on the number of your monthly posts. These posts will help build a connection and your community will want to know more of what products and services you provide.
1) Behind the Scenes

2) Introductions or Something To Share

3) Team Feature

What your brand is all about
(What makes you unique)
The next set of posts will be product and/or service announcements, advice (since you want to establish your authority of information in your particular industry) and general business announcements. These general announcements could range from being recognized in a magazine publication to a future collaborations. The seventh area is business location pride. No matter if your business is internationally known or only resides in one small town, your local community counts. Highlight why you are based and what you and your team loves about the area. The strength of your community will only grow stronger.
4) Announcements: Product/Service

5) Advice (be the authority in your industry or field)

6) General Business Announcements
Business birthday, magazine feature, new company core value, birthday of team or the owner, new class or workshop, are all great ideas when using your branding images. Below you will see the use of quote overlay to really standout from all the images your community sees in a day. Used sparingly, it can be a powerful tool.
The Technique of Using a Quote Overlay to Standout From the Crowd

7) Business Location Pride
Need More Image Inspiration?
I have been stockpiling brand image inspiration over on my Pinterest Page. (over 1,800 pins and growing) I have categories such as Environmental Portraits, Studio Portraits, Personal Brand Images, Real Estate Branding Images, Creatives, Brand Details, Fitness Branding Images and more.
Happy Posting!
Questions or Comments? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts.